Project Introduction:

Designed for Android, Varsovia is a 2D click-through detective game set in a dystopian future. It revolves around a detective solving the murder of a prominent C.E.O. Varsovia’s narrative follows a linear structure, with multiple endings allowing for replayability.

Genre: Narrative adventure, mystery, interactive fiction.

Target Platforms: Android

DEVICES: Supported for Android version 12 (Snow cone) Minimum Requirement of 4gb ram.

Release: Q2 2023

Project Details:

Timeframe: 2 1/2 months

Team Size: 1

Game Engine: Unity

Roles and Responsibilities:

C# Programming for Unity


2D art and Animation

Custom Editor Tools with GUI (Unity)

Android Publication and Distribution

Game Publishing

Trailer to be added soon

Game Screenshots:

Following a minimal color theme, inspired by games such as "A Case of Distrust" and "Inside", the game heavily relies on high key and low key values to create a striking visual contrast that enhances the mood and underlines the game's thematic elements of mystery and moral ambiguity.

Click on any media to see the bigger picture.

Game Walkthrough:

Gameplay to be added soon